Character Table#
CharacterPG manages point-group character table. |
PointGroup manages point group. |
SpaceGroup manages space group. |
HarmonicsPG manages a set of point-group harmonics (real). |
Harmonics manages point-group harmonics. |
create model view, info, and basis. |
construct model from matrx dict. |
MaterialModel manages model information of cluster or crystal system. |
SymmetryAdaptedModel manages symmetry adapted multipole basis set for cluster or crystal system. |
FileManager manages current directory and formatter. |
BaseAtomicMultipoleSet manages a set of atomic multipoles for lm, jm, cubic, and hexagonal basis. |
This file provides utility functions for atomic orbital. |
This file provides utility functions for calculation of atomic multipole basis set. |
This file provides utility functions for multipole basis set. |
This file provides Pauli matices. |
This file provides basis list of spin-orbital space. |
This file provides utility functions for calculation of structure multipole basis set. |
This file provides utility functions for combined multipole set. |
Response tensor#
ResponseTensorPG manages physical response tensors upto rank 4. |
Symmetry operations#
SymmetryOperationG manages point/space-group symmetry operations. |
SymmetryOperation manages symmetry operation. |
TagGroup manages tag of group. |
TagIrrep manages tag of irreducible representation. |
TagMultipole manages tag of multipole. |
TagResponseTensor manages tag of response tensor. |
TagSymmetryOperation manages tag of symmetry operation. |
TagWyckoff manages tag of wyckoff position. |
This file provides utility functions for tag. |
Virtual cluster#
VirtualClusterPG manages point-group virtual cluster (real). |
Wyckoff position#
WyckoffG manages point/space-group Wyckoff positions (conventional, reduced coordinate). |