SAMB construction#
The input file format for SAMB construction is the following. The keywords with * is optional. The values in the bracket are default.
model : model name (str).
group : group name (Schoenflies notation) or group number (space group) (str/int).
site : site position, orbital info. (dict) { name: (“position”, orbital or orbital list) }.
bond* : bond (list) [ (“tail”, “head”, (list of) neighbors) ], [[]].
spinful* : spinful basis ? (bool), [False].
cell* : unit-cell constants (dict) { “a”, “b”, “c”, “alpha”, “beta”, “gamma” }, [a=b=c=1,alpha=beta=gamma=90].
view* : view point (int list), [None].
view_mode* : mode for QtDraw file (str) (“standard”/“arrow”/“debug”), [“standard”].
output* : output folder (str), [model name].
minimal_samb* (bool) : minimal output in _samb.pdf ? [True].
binary_output* (bool) : output matrix data in binary format ? [False].
model_type* : model type (str), (“tight_binding”/“phonon”), [“tight_binding”].
time_reversal_type* : time-reversal type (str), (“electric”/“magnetic”/“both”), [“electric”].
irrep* : irrep. (str list), [identity irrep.] (empty list is for all irreps.) [None].
fourier_transform* : create fourier transformed SAMB ? [False].
toroidal_priority* : create toroidal multipoles (G,T) in high priority ? [False].
k_point* : k-point (dict) {name: “position”}, [{ “Γ”: “[0,0,0]”, “X”: “[1/2,0,0]” }].
k_path* : k-path (str) (concatenate by “-” or “|”), [“Γ-X”].
cell_range* : search range for bonds, [(-2, 3, -2, 3, -2, 3)].
max_neighbor* : max. of neighbors to search, [10].