Source code for

SpaceGroup manages space group.
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
from gcoreutils.nsarray import NSArray
from import _data_no_space_group
from multipie.tag.tag_group import TagGroup
from multipie.tag.tag_list import TagList
from multipie.tag.tag_multipole import TagMultipole
from import PointGroup
from multipie.symmetry_operation.util.symmetry_operation_util import to_conventional, to_primitive
from multipie.symmetry_operation.symmetry_operation_g import SymmetryOperationG
from multipie.symmetry_operation.symmetry_operation_g_set import SymmetryOperationGSet
from multipie.wyckoff.wyckoff_g_set import WyckoffGSet
from multipie.wyckoff.wyckoff_g import WyckoffG
from multipie.multipole.util.z_samb_util import create_z_samb
from multipie import get_binary

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[docs] class SpaceGroup: """ space group. Attributes: tag (TagGroup): space-group tag. symmetry_operation (SymmetryOperationG): the class to manage symmetry operations. wyckoff (WyckoffG): the class to manage Wyckoff positions. pg (PointGroup): associated point group. core (BinaryManager): core for binary data. """ # ================================================== def __init__(self, sg_tag=None, core=None, verbose=False): """ initialize the class. Args: sg_tag (TagGroup or str or int, optional): tag of space group. core (BinaryManager, optional): core for binary data. verbose (bool, optional): verbose access to binary data ? Notes: - if sg_tag is None, "C1^1" is used. """ if sg_tag is None: sg_tag = "C1^1" if type(sg_tag) == int: sg_tag = _data_no_space_group[sg_tag] if type(sg_tag) == str: sg_tag = TagGroup(sg_tag) assert sg_tag in TagGroup.create(space_group=True), f"{sg_tag} is not a space-group tag." if core is None: core = get_binary(verbose=verbose) self.tag = sg_tag """space-group tag.""" self.symmetry_operation: SymmetryOperationG = core[SymmetryOperationGSet][sg_tag] """the class to manage symmetry operations.""" self.wyckoff: WyckoffG = core[WyckoffGSet][sg_tag] """the class to manage Wyckoff positions.""" = PointGroup(, core=core, verbose=verbose) """associated point group.""" self.core = core """binary data.""" # ================================================== def __str__(self): return str(self.tag) # ================================================== def __repr__(self): return repr(self.tag) # ================================================== def latex(self): return self.tag.latex() # ==================================================
[docs] def transform_matrix_site(self, site, cc_only=False): """ transform matrix for site basis (reduced coordinate). Args: site (str or NSArray): site, "[x,y,z]". cc_only (bool, optional): conjugacy-class operations only ? Returns: tuple - NSArray: symmetry operation matrices. - NSArray: site basis. """ if not isinstance(site, (str, NSArray)): raise KeyError(f"{type(site)} is not accepted for site.") s = self.symmetry_operation._equivalent_vector(site, primitive=True, shift=True, remove_duplicate=True) op = self.symmetry_operation.mat(cc_only=cc_only, primitive=True) tm = [] for ii in range(len(op)): opi = op[ii] tmg = np.zeros((len(s), len(s))).astype(int).tolist() for i in range(len(s)): si = s[i].transform(opi).shift() tmg[s.index(si)][i] = 1 tm.append(tmg) tm = NSArray(tm, "matrix") s = to_conventional(self.symmetry_operation.lattice, s).shift() return tm, s
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[docs] def transform_matrix_bond(self, bond, nondirectional=False, cc_only=False): """ transform matrix for bond basis (reduced coordinate). Args: bond (str or NSArray): bond, "vector@center", "tail;head", "start:vector". nondirectional (bool, optional): ignore directional property ? cc_only (bool, optional): conjugacy-class operations only ? Returns: tuple - NSArray: symmetry operation matrices. - NSArray: bond basis. """ if not isinstance(bond, (str, NSArray)): raise KeyError(f"{type(bond)} is not accepted for bond.") b = self.symmetry_operation._equivalent_bond( bond, primitive=True, nondirectional=nondirectional, shift=True, remove_duplicate=True ) op = self.symmetry_operation.mat(cc_only=cc_only, primitive=True) tm = [] for ii in range(len(op)): opi = op[ii] tmg = np.zeros((len(b), len(b))).astype(int).tolist() for i in range(len(b)): bi = b[i].transform(opi).shift() if nondirectional: j = b.index(bi) if j is None: j = b.index(bi.reverse_direction()) else: j = b.index(bi) tmg[j][i] = 1 tm.append(tmg) tm = NSArray(tm, "matrix") b = to_conventional(self.symmetry_operation.lattice, b).shift() return tm, b
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[docs] def transform_site(self, site, shift=False, remove_duplicate=False, plus_set=False): """ set of transformed sites (reduced coordinate). Args: site (str or NSArray): site, "[x,y,z]". shift (bool, optional): transformed sites are moved into unit cell ? remove_duplicate (bool, optional): remove the same sites ? plus_set (bool, optional): add partial translations ? Returns: NSArray: transformed sites (in order of symmetry operations, and plus_set). Notes: - when remove_duplicate and shift are True, return values in the same order as site_mapping keys. """ if not isinstance(site, (str, NSArray)): raise KeyError(f"{type(site)} is not accepted for site.") if remove_duplicate and shift: s = NSArray.from_str(self.site_mapping(site, plus_set).keys()) else: s = self.symmetry_operation._equivalent_vector( site, plus_set=plus_set, shift=shift, remove_duplicate=remove_duplicate ) return s
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[docs] def transform_bond(self, bond, nondirectional=False, shift=False, remove_duplicate=False, plus_set=False): """ set of transformed bonds (reduced coordinate). Args: bond (str or NSArray): bond, "vector@center", "tail;head", "start:vector". nondirectional (bool, optional): ignore directional property ? shift (bool, optional): transformed bond starting points are moved into unit cell ? remove_duplicate (bool, optional): remove the same bonds ? plus_set (bool, optional): add partial translations ? Returns: NSArray: transformed bonds (in order of symmetry operations, and plus_set). Notes: - when remove_duplicate, nondirectional and shift are True, return values in the same order as bond_mapping keys. """ if not isinstance(bond, (str, NSArray)): raise KeyError(f"{type(bond)} is not accepted for bond.") if remove_duplicate and nondirectional and shift: b = NSArray.from_str(self.bond_mapping(bond, plus_set=plus_set)[0].keys()) else: b = self.symmetry_operation._equivalent_bond( bond, plus_set=plus_set, nondirectional=nondirectional, shift=shift, remove_duplicate=remove_duplicate ) return b
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[docs] def shift_home_unit_cell(self, site): """ shift to home unit cell. Args: site (str or NSArray): site to be shifted. Returns: NSArray: shifted site. """ if type(site) == str: site = NSArray(site) lattice = self.symmetry_operation.lattice site = to_conventional(lattice, to_primitive(lattice, site).shift()).shift() return site
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[docs] def find_rep_site(self, site_list): """ find representative sites from site_list. Args: site_list (NSArray): site list. Returns: NSArray: representative sites. """ def remove_equivalent_site(sl, rep_site): if not sl: return rep_site else: s = list(sl)[0] r = set(self.transform_site(s, shift=True, remove_duplicate=True).str()) rep_site.append(s) return remove_equivalent_site(sl - r, rep_site) assert len(site_list) > 0, "empty site list is given." lattice = self.symmetry_operation.lattice site_list = set(to_conventional(lattice, to_primitive(lattice, site_list).shift().remove_duplicate()).shift().str()) rep_site = [] rep_site = remove_equivalent_site(site_list, rep_site) rep_site = NSArray.from_str(rep_site) return rep_site
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[docs] def find_rep_bond(self, bond_list): """ find representative bonds from bond_list. Args: bond_list (NSArray): bond list. Returns: NSArray: representative bonds. """ def remove_equivalent_bond(bl, rep_bond): if not bl: return rep_bond else: b = list(bl)[0] r = self.transform_bond(b, shift=True, remove_duplicate=True) r = NSArray.concat([r, r.reverse_direction()]) r = set(r.str()) rep_bond.append(b) return remove_equivalent_bond(bl - r, rep_bond) assert len(bond_list) > 0, "empty bond list is given." # remove equivalent bonds. tail = bond_list[0].convert_bond("bond_th")[0] lattice = self.symmetry_operation.lattice bond_list = set(to_conventional(lattice, to_primitive(lattice, bond_list).shift().remove_duplicate()).shift().str()) # find representative bonds. rep_bond = [] rep_bond = remove_equivalent_bond(bond_list, rep_bond) rep_bond = NSArray.from_str(rep_bond) # set bonds with given tail. tail = to_primitive(lattice, tail).shift() rep_bond1 = [] for bond in rep_bond: bonds = self.symmetry_operation._equivalent_bond(bond, remove_duplicate=True, primitive=True, shift=True) t, h = bonds.convert_bond("bond_th") idx = t.shift().index(tail) if idx is None: idx = h.shift().index(tail) assert idx is not None, "not reach here." b = bonds[idx].reverse_direction() else: b = bonds[idx] v, c = b.shift().convert_bond("bond") b = NSArray(f"{v}@{c}") b = to_conventional(lattice, b) rep_bond1.append(str(b)) rep_bond = NSArray.from_str(rep_bond1) return rep_bond
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[docs] def site_mapping(self, site, plus_set=False): """ mapping between site and symmetry operations (reduced coordinate). Args: site (str or NSArray): site, "[x,y,z]". plus_set (bool, optional): add partial translations ? Returns: dict: mapping from site string to symmetry-operation IDs. Notes: - sites are sorted by 1st SO. - if plus_set is True, return [set(t0),set(t1),...] """ if not isinstance(site, (str, NSArray)): raise KeyError(f"{type(site)} is not accepted for vector/site.") s = self.symmetry_operation._equivalent_vector(site, primitive=True, shift=True) lst = {} for i in range(len(s)): si = str(s[i]) lst[si] = lst.get(si, []) + [i] # sort in order of 1st component of SO. lst = dict(sorted(lst.items(), key=lambda i: i[1][0])) # convert to conventional cell. s = NSArray.from_str(lst.keys()) s = to_conventional(self.symmetry_operation.lattice, s, plus_set=True).shift() if plus_set: mpp = list(lst.values()) * len(self.symmetry_operation.plus_set) lst = {str(s[i]): mpp[i] for i in range(len(s))} else: mpp = list(lst.values()) lst = {str(s[i]): mpp[i] for i in range(len(lst))} return lst
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[docs] def bond_mapping(self, bond, plus_set=False): """ mapping between bond and symmetry operations (reduced coordinate). Args: bond (str or NSArray): bond, "vector@center", "tail;head", "start:vector". plus_set (bool, optional): add partial translations ? Returns: tuple - dict: mapping from bond to symmetry-operations IDs. bond = "tail;head" - bool: nondirectional ? Notes: - if bond direction is reversed, symmetry operation ID with minus sign. - bonds are sorted by 1st SO. - if plus_set is True, return [set(t0),set(t1),...] """ if not isinstance(bond, (str, NSArray)): raise KeyError(f"{type(bond)} is not accepted for bond.") if type(bond) == str: bond = NSArray(bond) b_d = self.symmetry_operation._equivalent_bond( bond, primitive=True, shift=True, nondirectional=False, remove_duplicate=True ) b_all = self.symmetry_operation._equivalent_bond( bond, primitive=True, shift=True, nondirectional=False, remove_duplicate=False ) b_nd = self.symmetry_operation._equivalent_bond( bond, primitive=True, shift=True, nondirectional=True, remove_duplicate=True ) nd = len(b_nd) != len(b_d) b = b_nd if nd else b_d tail0 = bond.convert_bond("bond_th")[0] tail0 = NSArray.from_str(self.site_mapping(tail0).keys()) tail0 = to_primitive(self.symmetry_operation.lattice, tail0).shift() head0 = bond.convert_bond("bond_th")[1] head0 = NSArray.from_str(self.site_mapping(head0).keys()) head0 = to_primitive(self.symmetry_operation.lattice, head0).shift() # set bond direction with the same tail as given one. if str(tail0.sort()) == str(head0.sort()): for i in range(len(b)): t, h = b[i].convert_bond("bond_th") t_idx = tail0.index(t.shift()) h_idx = tail0.index(h.shift()) if t_idx > h_idx: b[i] = b[i].reverse_direction() # create mapping in primitive cell. lst1 = {} for i in range(len(b_all)): bi = b_all[i] bib = str(bi.reverse_direction()) bi = str(bi) if b.index(bi) is not None: lst1[bi] = lst1.get(bi, []) + [i + 1] elif b.index(bib) is not None: lst1[bib] = lst1.get(bib, []) + [-(i + 1)] else: assert False, "not reach here." # reverse SO if identity SO idx are negative. if sum(list(lst1.values()), []).count(-1) > 0: lst = {i: [-k for k in j] for i, j in lst1.items()} else: lst = lst1 # reset SO number staring from zero. lsts = {} for i, j in lst.items(): lsts[i] = [k - 1 if k > 0 else k + 1 for k in j] # sort in order of 1st component of SO. lsts = dict(sorted(lsts.items(), key=lambda i: abs(i[1][0]))) # convert to conventional cell. b = NSArray.from_str(lsts.keys()) b = to_conventional(self.symmetry_operation.lattice, b, plus_set=plus_set).shift() if plus_set: mp = list(lsts.values()) * len(self.symmetry_operation.plus_set) lsts = {str(b[i]): mp[i] for i in range(len(b))} else: mp = list(lsts.values()) lsts = {str(b[i]): mp[i] for i in range(len(lst))} return lsts, nd
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[docs] def find_wyckoff_position(self, site): """ find Wyckoff position for a given site (reduced coordinate). Args: site (str or NSArray): site, "[x,y,z]". Returns: str: Wyckoff position. """ if not isinstance(site, (str, NSArray)): raise KeyError(f"{type(site)} is not accepted for site.") # equivalent sites in conventional unit cell. wpv = self.transform_site(site, shift=True, plus_set=True, remove_duplicate=True).sort().tolist() # candidate Wyckoff positions. n = len(wpv) wps = [i for i in self.wyckoff.key_list() if i.n == n] # list of Wyckoff position sites. lst = [ NSArray.concat([(self.wyckoff.position(i) + p).shift() for p in self.symmetry_operation.plus_set]).remove_duplicate() for i in wps ] # find Wyckoff position to match with given site. sht = NSArray("{[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1]}") w0 = wpv[0] wp = "-" for tag, p in zip(wps, lst): for i in p: for s in sht: if str(i) == str(w0 + s): wp = tag break elif sp.solve(list(i - w0 + s), self.wyckoff.v.tolist(), manual=True): wp = tag break return str(wp)
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[docs] def site_cluster_samb(self, site): """ create site-cluster multipole basis set. Args: site (str or NSArray): representative site, "[x,y,z]". Returns: tuple, - dict: site-cluster SAMB, {TagMultipole: NSArray(vector)}. - NSArray: sites, NSArray(vector). """ if not isinstance(site, (str, NSArray)): raise KeyError(f"{type(site)} is not accepted for site.") site_map = self.site_mapping(site) vc = info = vc.key_list() bs = [] n = len(site_map.keys()) for basis in vc.values(): s_basis = NSArray(str([0 for _ in range(n)])) for si, nos in enumerate(site_map.values()): for no in nos: s_basis[si] += basis[no] bs.append(s_basis) bs = NSArray.concat(bs) bs, idx = NSArray.orthogonalize(bs) sc_samb = {info[i].replace(m_type="s"): bs[i].expand().simplify() for i in idx} site = NSArray.from_str(site_map.keys()) return sc_samb, site
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[docs] def bond_cluster_samb(self, bond): """ create bond-cluster multipole basis set. Args: bond (str or NSArray): bond, "vector@center", "tail;head", "start:vector". Returns: tuple, - dict: bond-cluster SAMB, {TagMultipole: NSArray(vector)}. - NSArray: bonds, NSArray(bond). """ if not isinstance(bond, (str, NSArray)): raise KeyError(f"{type(bond)} is not accepted for bond.") bond_map, _ = self.bond_mapping(bond) vc = info = vc.key_list() n = len(bond_map.keys()) bs_s = [] bs_a = [] for basis in vc.values(): bs_basis = NSArray(str([0 for _ in range(n)])) ba_basis = NSArray(str([0 for _ in range(n)])) for bo, nos in enumerate(bond_map.values()): for no in nos: bs_basis[bo] += basis[abs(no)] if no < 0: ba_basis[bo] -= basis[abs(no)] else: ba_basis[bo] += basis[abs(no)] bs_s.append(bs_basis) bs_a.append(ba_basis) bs_s = NSArray.concat(bs_s) bs_a = NSArray.concat(bs_a) bs_s, idx_s = NSArray.orthogonalize(bs_s) bs_a, idx_a = NSArray.orthogonalize(bs_a) sg_basis_s = {info[i].replace(m_type="b"): bs_s[i].expand().simplify() for i in idx_s} sg_basis_a = {info[i].replace(m_type="b", head="T"): sp.I * bs_a[i].expand().simplify() for i in idx_a} bc_samb = sg_basis_s | sg_basis_a bond = NSArray.from_str(bond_map.keys()) return bc_samb, bond
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[docs] def z_samb(self, x_tag_list, y_tag_list, toroidal_priority=False, **kwargs): """ create combined multipole basis set. Args: x_tag_list (str/TagMultipole/[TagMultipole]): multipole/harmonics tag list. y_tag_list (str/TagMultipole/[TagMultipole]): multipole/harmonics tag list. toroidal_priority (bool, optional): create toroidal multipoles (G,T) in priority? else prioritize conventional multipoles (Q,M). kwargs (dict, optional): select condition for multipoles, keywords in TagMultipole except for head. Returns: dict: {(TagMultipole, TagMultipole(atomic), TagMultipole(site/bond)): [(coefficient, TagMultipole(atomic), TagMultipole(site/bond)] }. """ if type(x_tag_list) == str: x_tag_list = TagList([TagMultipole(x_tag_list)]) if type(x_tag_list) in (TagMultipole, list): x_tag_list = TagList(x_tag_list) if type(y_tag_list) == str: y_tag_list = TagList([TagMultipole(y_tag_list)]) if type(y_tag_list) in (TagMultipole, list): y_tag_list = TagList(y_tag_list) cg = hs = z_samb = create_z_samb(cg, hs, x_tag_list, y_tag_list, toroidal_priority, **kwargs) return z_samb