Source code for multipie.harmonics.harmonics

Harmonics manages point-group harmonics.

import sympy as sp
from gcoreutils.nsarray import NSArray
from multipie.tag.tag_multipole import TagMultipole
from multipie.harmonics.util.equivalent_operator import equivalent_operator_from_poly

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[docs] class Harmonics: """ point-group harmonics. Attributes: tag (TagMultipole): multipole tag. """ # # __v (dict): variable to replace (x,y,z). # __def (NSArray): definition string (normalized). # __ex (NSArray): expression string (abc polynomial). # __umat (NSArray): unitary matrix from Olm to harmonics (2l+1) descending order in m. # # ================================================== def __init__(self, m_tag, def_ex, ex, u): """ initialize the class. Args: m_tag (TagMultipole or str): multipole tag. def_ex (str): definition of harmonics in terms of tesseral harmonics. ex (str): cartesian expression. u (str): unitary matrix from Olm in descending order in m, [l,l-1,...,-l]. """ m_tag = TagMultipole(str(m_tag)) self.tag = m_tag """multipole tag.""" self.__v = dict(zip(["x", "y", "z"], NSArray.vector3d(self.tag.head).var.values())) self.__def = NSArray(def_ex) self.__ex = NSArray(ex) self.__umat = NSArray(u) # ================================================== def __str__(self): return str(self.tag) # ================================================== def __repr__(self): return repr(self.tag) # ================================================== def latex(self): return self.tag.latex() # ==================================================
[docs] def is_axial(self): """ axial harmonics ? Returns: bool: axial harmonics ? """ return self.tag.is_axial
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[docs] def is_complex(self): """ complex harmonics ? Returns: bool: complex harmonics ? """ return self.tag.is_complex
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[docs] def definition(self): """ definition of harmonics in terms of linear combination of Clm and Slm. Returns: NSArray: definition of harmonics. """ return self.__def
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[docs] def expression(self, v=None): """ explicit expression of harmonics. Args: v (NSArray, optional): vector variable to replace "[x,y,z]". Returns: NSArray: polynomial expression of harmonics. Notes: - when v is None, default variable is used. """ if v is None: v = self.__v else: v = dict(zip(["x", "y", "z"], v)) ex = self.__ex.subs(v) return ex
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[docs] def u_matrix(self): r""" unitary matrix from (l,m) to the harmonics, :math:`X_{harm} = U^{\dagger}X_{lm}U`. Returns: NSArray: unitary matrix from (l,m) to the harmonics with (2l+1) components, descending order in m. """ return self.__umat
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[docs] def to_vector(self): """ cartesian vector for rank-1 expression. Returns: NSArray: converted cartesian vector. """ assert self.tag.rank == 1, "rank is not 1." ex = self.__ex.subs( { "x": sp.Matrix([1, 0, 0]).T, "y": sp.Matrix([0, 1, 0]).T, "z": sp.Matrix([0, 0, 1]).T, } ) return NSArray(ex[0], "vector")
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[docs] def equivalent_operator(self, j): """ equivalent operator in descending order in Jz. Args: j (str): magnitude of angular momentum, J (0, 1/2, 1, ...). Returns: NSArray: equivalent-operator matrix. """ poly = str(self.expression(v="[x,y,z]")) return equivalent_operator_from_poly(poly, j)
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[docs] @classmethod def create_equivalent_operator(cls, poly, j): """ equivalent operator in descending order in Jz. Args: poly (str): (x,y,z) polynomial. j (str): magnitude of angular momentum, J (0, 1/2, 1, ...). Returns: NSArray: equivalent-operator matrix. """ return equivalent_operator_from_poly(poly, j)