Source code for multipie.response_tensor.response_tensor_pg

ResponseTensorPG manages physical response tensors upto rank 4.
import sympy as sp
from gcoreutils.nsarray import NSArray
from multipie.tag.tag_group import TagGroup
from multipie.tag.tag_list import TagList
from multipie.response_tensor.util.response_tensor_util import simplify_tensor, create_tensor
from multipie.tag.tag_response_tensor import TagResponseTensor
from multipie.const import __def_dict__

# ==================================================
[docs] class ResponseTensorPG(dict): # dict of (response tag, matrix), { TagResponseTensor: NSArray }. """ a set of response tensors upto rank 4. Attributes: tag (TagGroup): point-group tag. definition ({TagResponseTensor:{sympy:sympy}}): definition in terms of multipoles for each component. """ # ================================================== def __init__(self, pg_tag): """ initialize the class. Args: pg_tag (TagGroup or str): point group tag. """ if pg_tag is None: self.tag = None """point-group tag.""" self.definition = {} else: self.tag = TagGroup(str(pg_tag)) self._initialize() # ================================================== def __str__(self): return str(self.tag) # ================================================== def __repr__(self): return repr(self.tag) # ================================================== def latex(self): return self.tag.latex() # ================================================== def _initialize(self): """ create response tensors. """ # create response tensor data, { tag: [[(tensor symbol, component)]] }. d = {} for head in __def_dict__["head"]: for rank, comp in __def_dict__["response_head"].keys(): tag = TagResponseTensor.create(head, rank, comp) d[tag] = create_tensor(self.tag, tag) # create active tensor, { tag: Matrix }. mat = {} for tag, M in d.items(): M = simplify_tensor(M) zero = sp.zeros(len(M), len(M[0])) x = zero.copy() for i, lst in enumerate(M): for j, (c, m) in enumerate(lst): if m == sp.S(0): x[i, j] = sp.S(0) else: x[i, j] = c if not x.equals(zero): mat[tag] = x # create definition of each element, { tag: {tensor_symbol: definition} }. de = {} for tag, M1 in mat.items(): de[tag] = [] M2 = sp.Matrix([[m for _, m in lst] for lst in d[tag]]) Cs = [] for i in range(M1.rows): for j in range(M1.cols): m = M1[i, j] if m != sp.S(0): Cs += [i for i in m.atoms(sp.Symbol)] Cs = list(set(Cs)) for m1, m2 in zip(M1, M2): c_lst = [i for i in m1.atoms(sp.Symbol)] if all([c in Cs for c in c_lst]) and m1 != sp.S(0): de[tag].append((m1, m2)) for c in c_lst: Cs.remove(c) for k, v in mat.items(): self[k] = NSArray(v.tolist(), "matrix") self.definition = {k: dict(v) for k, v in de.items()} """definition in terms of multipoles for each component.""" # ==================================================
[docs] def select(self, **kwargs): """ select response tensors with given keywords. Args: kwargs (dict): select conditions for response tensors, (head/rank/comp). Returns: ResponseTensorPG: selected response tensors. """ c_rt = ResponseTensorPG(None) for t in self.key_list().select(**kwargs): c_rt[t] = self[t] c_rt.definition[t] = self.definition[t] c_rt.tag = self.tag return c_rt
# ================================================== def _dump(self): """ dump response tensors. """ for tag in self.keys(): print(f"=== rank {tag.rank} {tag.i_type} {tag.t_type} tensor '{tag.comp}' component ===") print(tag.symbol(), "=", self[tag]) def_mul = self.definition[tag] for t, d in def_mul.items(): print(" ", t, ":=", d) # ================================================== def _info(self): """ get information of the response tensors. """ s = "* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *" + "\n" s += " The symmetry properties of the response tensors 'C' of the 0-th to 4-th orders are summarized" + "\n" s += " in terms of the electric, electric toroidal, magnetic, and magnetic toroidal multipoles, Q, G, M, and T." + "\n" s += " The basis of the matrices is represented by using the Voigt notation (1=xx, 2=yy, 3=zz, 4=yz, 5=zx, 6=xy)." + "\n" s += "* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *" + "\n" s += "- rank 0 tensor" + "\n" s += " C = Q_{0}" + "\n" s += " C = (Q_{0})" + "\n" s += "- rank 1 tensor" + "\n" s += " C = Q_{1}" + "\n" s += " C = (Q_{x}, Q_{y}, Q_{z})" + "\n" s += "- rank 2 tensor" + "\n" s += " C12 = S12 + A12" + "\n" s += " S12 = S21" + "\n" s += " A12 = -A21" + "\n" s += "- rank 3 tensor" + "\n" s += " C123 = S12;3 + A12;3" + "\n" s += " S12;3 = S21;3" + "\n" s += " A12;3 = -A21;3" + "\n" s += "- rank 4 tensor" + "\n" s += " C1234 = S12;34 + Sb12;34 + A12;34 + Ab12;34 + M12;34 + Mb12;34" + "\n" s += " S12;34 = S21;34 = S12;43 = S34;12" + "\n" s += " Sb12;34 = Sb21;34 = Sb12;43 = -Sb34;12" + "\n" s += " A12;34 = -A21;34 = -A12;43 = A34;12" + "\n" s += " Ab12;34 = -Ab21;34 = -Ab12;43 = -Ab34;12" + "\n" s += " M12;34 = M21;34 = -M12;43" + "\n" s += " Mb12;34 = -Mb21;34 = Mb12;43" + "\n" print(s) # ================================================== def __getitem__(self, tag): if type(tag) == str: return self.get(TagResponseTensor(tag)) else: return self.get(tag) # ================================================== def key_list(self): return TagList(self.keys())