Source code for multipie.symmetry_operation.symmetry_operation

SymmetryOperation manages symmetry operation.
from gcoreutils.nsarray import NSArray
from multipie.symmetry_operation.util.symmetry_operation_util import (
from multipie.tag.tag_symmetry_operation import TagSymmetryOperation

# ==================================================
[docs] class SymmetryOperation: """ symmetry operation. Attributes: tag (TagSymmetryOperation): symmetry-operation tag. m_polar (NSArray): symmetry-operation matices for polar vector, (3x3:point group) or (4x4:space group). m_axial (NSArray): symmetry-operation matices for axial vector, (3x3:point group) or (4x4:space group). """ # ================================================== def __init__(self, so_tag, crystal): """ initialize the class. Args: so_tag (TagSymmetryOperation or str): symmetry-operation tag. crystal (str): crystal type, (triclinic/monoclinic/orthorhombic/tetragonal/trigonal/hexagonal/cubic). """ so_tag = TagSymmetryOperation(str(so_tag)) self.tag = so_tag """symmetry-operation tag.""" so = SymmetryOperation._matrix(self.tag, crystal) self.m_polar = so[0] """symmetry-operation matices for polar vector, (3x3:point group) or (4x4:space group).""" self.m_axial = so[1] """symmetry-operation matices for axial vector, (3x3:point group) or (4x4:space group).""" # ================================================== def __str__(self): return str(self.tag) # ================================================== def __repr__(self): return repr(self.tag) # ================================================== def latex(self): return self.tag.latex() # ================================================== @classmethod def _matrix(cls, tag, crystal): """ symmetry operation matrix. Args: tag (TagSymmetryOperation): tag of symmetry operation. crystal (str): crystal. Returns: - NSArray: symmetry-operation matices for polar vector, (3x3:point group) or (4x4:space group). - NSArray: symmetry-operation matices for axial vector, (3x3:point group) or (4x4:space group). """ axis = NSArray(tag.axis) axis = to_cartesian(crystal, axis) if tag.mirror: h = reflection_matrix(axis) elif tag.inversion: h = rotoinversion_matrix(tag.n, axis) else: h = rotation_matrix(tag.n, axis) ha = to_axial(h) h = to_reduced(crystal, h) ha = to_reduced(crystal, ha) if tag.is_point_group(): return h, ha else: t = NSArray(tag.t) h4 = h._pad() h4[0:3, 3] = t[:] ha4 = ha._pad() ha4[0:3, 3] = t[:] return h4, ha4